phat trien ha tang khu cong nghiep Company

Tax Code:
Office Address: Tổ 13, phường Nguyễn Trãi, Ha Giang City, Ha Giang Province, Viet Nam

Short Name:

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Date Active: 2008-05-25


phat trien ha tang khu cong nghiep Company with short name is Công ty phát triển hạ tầng khu công nghiệp, foreign name is phat trien ha tang khu cong nghiep Company, original name is Công ty phát triển hạ tầng khu công nghiệp, operations over 16 years in The Communist Party, Civil society, State administration, National defence and security; Compulsory social security. Director: Mr/Ms. Trần Văn Khang . Contact Information: Tổ 13, phường Nguyễn Trãi, Ha Giang City, Ha Giang Province, Viet Nam. Phone: