Bao Vinh Transport Service Trading Company Limited

Tax Code:
Office Address: Số 08 Phạm Thị Đào, Phường Ghềnh Ráng, Quy Nhon City, Binh Dinh Province, Viet Nam

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Date Active: 2019-07-25


Bao Vinh Transport Service Trading Company Limited with short name is CÔNG TY TNHH TM - DV - VT BẢO VINH, foreign name is Bao Vinh Transport Service Trading Company Limited, original name is Công Ty TNHH Thương Mại Dịch Vụ Vận Tải Bảo Vinh, operations over 5 years in Cargo road transport. With charter capitalđ. Director: Mr Võ Hoàng Bảo . Contact Information: Số 08 Phạm Thị Đào, Phường Ghềnh Ráng, Quy Nhon City, Binh Dinh Province, Viet Nam. Phone: